
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My daughter call

I love when my daughter calls. She called this morning and it was time for her to get dressed. We started to bathing her and drying her off. We went to her room and seeing her clothes that were laid out on her bed. It was a really cute little skirt and a blouse. I love it when I am able to put her in a cute little skirt. I made sure that there was a slip in with her outfit. I did her hair and her make up. I make sure that she knows that she is my daughter.

Friday, March 25, 2011

My daughter

My daughter called again today. She got dressed up for the prom. I put her in a lemon yellow dress. She looked so beautiful. She was so unsure if she wanted to be in a dress. She was so unsure if her girlfriend would be all right if she was in a dress or not. I made sure she looked so beautiful. I made sure she felt just as beautiful as she looked.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My daughter

My daughter called this morning. She needed to be dressed up this morning. I put her in the cutest skirt. She did not want to be dressed up, but I made sure she was dressed up. I know she would rather be a tomboy. I want her to be so feminine. I know she feels so pretty when she is dressed up as a really pretty girl. She looked so pretty as she was totally dressed up.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Dressing up my girl

I love when my girl calls. She needed to be dressed up today. I loved it. She called and needed to be dressed up. She felt so pretty this morning. We were getting ready for a friend's wedding. I love getting ready for weddings. It means we can get dressed up even prettier. I put her in such a prettier dress. I did her hair and make up. She looked so nice.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Acrotopmophila is an amputee fetish. It is discovered that those who have this fetish prefer an amputated leg over an arm. It is also preferred a left side over the right side. There is also a preference that a stump is left over no stump. There are so many things to an amputee fetish. There are acronyms for the different types of amputations.

AK- Above the knee
AE- Above the Elboe
BK- Below the Knee
BE- Below the elbow

There are also different types of disarticulations that leave the body without the bones. The abbreviations are as follows
WD- wrist disarticulation
ED- elbow disarticulation
SD- shoulder disarticulation
AD- ankle disarticulation
KD- knee disarticulation
HD- Hip disarticulation

This one is one for those who have the extreme fetish.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hide-and-Seek Sex Games

Required Materials:
•Something you can hide
•A list of sexual treats you'd both like.
How To Play
First, draw straws or role dice to determine who will hide first and who will seek first. Whoever is the first "Hider" takes the item you're hiding and attaches a note about what sexual reward the finder gets if they find the item. Then the Hider hides the item anywhere in the house. The Seeker has 24 hours to find the item if they want to be rewarded with the sexual treat it offers. This game, also, has the benefit of continuing for as long as you want it to... days, weeks or even years!